“Behind the Haystacks”, a feature film directed by Asimina Proedrou (produced by Argonauts Productions), was selected by the Ministry of Culture as Greece’s official nomination for the Oscar Award for International Feature Film (formerly known as “Foreign Language Film Award”). Asimina Proedrou’s film, which swept awards in Greece and abroad, begins its journey to the 96th Oscars (2024). So far, the film “Behind the Haystacks” has won:
- 6 awards at the 63rd Thessaloniki International Film Festival – including the Best Location award
- 10 awards of the Hellenic Film Academy
- The film is nominated – among 40 other foreign films – for the best feature film award at the European Film Awards 2023.
The film was shot on Lake Doirani and in the wider area of the Regional Unit of Kilkis in the winter of 2021 and it was the first Greek feature film, which was supported by the Film Office- Central Macedonia. Congratulations to the film’s creative team and good luck!
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