Masterclass with Storyboard Artist William Simpson: ‘Storyboard: From paper to screen’ A new partnership is commenced in the 6th “The Comic Con-Thessaloniki Comic Convention” (September 23-25, 2022, Thessaloniki).
The Film Office of the Central Macedonia Region, in collaboration with The Comic Con 6 – Thessaloniki Comic Convention, are organizing the Masterclass “Storyboard: From Paper to Screen” with William Simpson, twice awarded “Emmy Award”, Storyboard and Conceptual Artist of the phenomenon TV series “Game of Thrones”. The popular designer and artist will talk about the necessity of storyboard in film productions, explain his way of work and answer the questions of attendants, creators and public. In particular, cinema, animation and video games professionals who operate in Central Macedonia will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge on the storyboard (or make at least a first acquaintance with it).
Information on Masterclass entries coming soon!